30,535 research outputs found

    Cloud-based or On-device: An Empirical Study of Mobile Deep Inference

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    Modern mobile applications are benefiting significantly from the advancement in deep learning, e.g., implementing real-time image recognition and conversational system. Given a trained deep learning model, applications usually need to perform a series of matrix operations based on the input data, in order to infer possible output values. Because of computational complexity and size constraints, these trained models are often hosted in the cloud. To utilize these cloud-based models, mobile apps will have to send input data over the network. While cloud-based deep learning can provide reasonable response time for mobile apps, it restricts the use case scenarios, e.g. mobile apps need to have network access. With mobile specific deep learning optimizations, it is now possible to employ on-device inference. However, because mobile hardware, such as GPU and memory size, can be very limited when compared to its desktop counterpart, it is important to understand the feasibility of this new on-device deep learning inference architecture. In this paper, we empirically evaluate the inference performance of three Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) using a benchmark Android application we developed. Our measurement and analysis suggest that on-device inference can cost up to two orders of magnitude greater response time and energy when compared to cloud-based inference, and that loading model and computing probability are two performance bottlenecks for on-device deep inferences.Comment: Accepted at The IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) conference 201

    Exploring Interpretable LSTM Neural Networks over Multi-Variable Data

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    For recurrent neural networks trained on time series with target and exogenous variables, in addition to accurate prediction, it is also desired to provide interpretable insights into the data. In this paper, we explore the structure of LSTM recurrent neural networks to learn variable-wise hidden states, with the aim to capture different dynamics in multi-variable time series and distinguish the contribution of variables to the prediction. With these variable-wise hidden states, a mixture attention mechanism is proposed to model the generative process of the target. Then we develop associated training methods to jointly learn network parameters, variable and temporal importance w.r.t the prediction of the target variable. Extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate enhanced prediction performance by capturing the dynamics of different variables. Meanwhile, we evaluate the interpretation results both qualitatively and quantitatively. It exhibits the prospect as an end-to-end framework for both forecasting and knowledge extraction over multi-variable data.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 201

    Is Simple Better? Revisiting Non-linear Matrix Factorization for Learning Incomplete Ratings

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    Matrix factorization techniques have been widely used as a method for collaborative filtering for recommender systems. In recent times, different variants of deep learning algorithms have been explored in this setting to improve the task of making a personalized recommendation with user-item interaction data. The idea that the mapping between the latent user or item factors and the original features is highly nonlinear suggest that classical matrix factorization techniques are no longer sufficient. In this paper, we propose a multilayer nonlinear semi-nonnegative matrix factorization method, with the motivation that user-item interactions can be modeled more accurately using a linear combination of non-linear item features. Firstly, we learn latent factors for representations of users and items from the designed multilayer nonlinear Semi-NMF approach using explicit ratings. Secondly, the architecture built is compared with deep-learning algorithms like Restricted Boltzmann Machine and state-of-the-art Deep Matrix factorization techniques. By using both supervised rate prediction task and unsupervised clustering in latent item space, we demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves better generalization ability in prediction as well as comparable representation ability as deep matrix factorization in the clustering task.Comment: version
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